In the beginning there was one huge water body surrounded by hills and mountains. Guru Shidva and his wife Ima Lemren Shidvi decided to create the world. They made the way to flow the water towards Burma and stayed in hut on another hill to begin praying for a son. One fine day a heavenly voice asked them to make earthen pot and place it in the north of the cave and worship it for seven days. Lma Shidvi made a pot in which Guru Sannamahi was born on the seventh day. The first pot acted as a womb for the baby. Guru Sannamahi created the creatures of land, air, water as well as man. His parents decided to depart. Lma Shidvi passed on his art of pottery to the women of Manipur. Since then the women in Manipur make pots without using wheel. The finishing of handmade pot is as perfect as the pot made by using wheel.