Floodlights and Flood Column - A Michel Tortel Design:
‘O' floodlight and floodlight column, designed by the internationally acclaimed French designer - Michel Tortel, marks the beginning of his association with India. Its design is inspired by Indian motifs and fashioned to meet global styles. Through 'O' column Michel introduces an innovative concept to illuminate architectural facades.
French designer - Michel Tortel
'O' the circular floodlight is the true representation of logical, intuitive imagination blended with perfection to the realistic, functional needs of a floodlight. Initiating on a design approach different to the conventional, Michel Tortel Presents a refreshing idea in the form of 'O'.
Available in Wide and Narrow beam distribution, 'O' floodlights offer multiple options to suit variety of applications. It has various visor accessories that help in directing light where needed. Colored in a subtle contrast with the product housing, these visors add to the smart elegant looks of the floodlight.