Animation created on paper is referred as 2D animation. It is the flipping of paper frames that creates an illusion of movement in the still drawings.
If we talk about the past, one of the very first animations of this method is Blackton’s animation called as “Humorous Phases of Funny Faces” and Winsor McCay’s “Gertie -the Dinosaur”. It was in early twenties when traditional animation techniques were developed and more sophisticated cartoons were produced. Walt Disney is called as a pioneer of hand drawn animation method.
The simplest examples of animated drawings are the flipbooks, which gives illusion of movement.
Here, the animator is creating 2D animation by referring the movement and repeatedly flipping the frames. He is taking help of the light box to make the paper base semi-transparent for animating the drawings.
Traditional Inking and Painting is a process where large no of animation frames are first outlined with ink and then painted on the reverse side of the sheet (celluloid or OHP sheets).
Digital coloring Technique is done in computers. It doesn’t require any other equipment and space other other then a computer and a gb’s of space in the computer ram. It is one of the fastest and simplest process for production of animation. Digital animation has given a good competition to traditional technique. Digital method is apt for the production process of a huge no of frames for long duration animation film making.
Coloured Digital Animation Frame: