Bandhani also known as “Bandhej” is a Tie & Dye craft. The term Bandhani refers to the technique of crafting patterned textiles by revisiting parts of a fabric by tying knots on it before it is dyed. This craft is believed to have travelled from Sindh to Gujarat via Rajasthan and further on to Madhya Pradesh and Tamil Nadu. The Kutch bandhani is renowned for its extremely fine dots and sophisticated sense of composition. Bandhani is worn for both everyday and ceremonial clothing. The social, economic and cultural connotations are determined by the base fabric (Gazzi silk, fine cotton muslin or wool. This craft is done at Kutch, Jaamnagar and some parts of Rajasthan. Earlier tying was done by the women of the house while pattern making and dying is done by men. The tying varies from small to big. The smaller ones sell at a higher price considering the intricate patterns. The purpose of the fabric is decided before hand and cut and designed accordingly. This study covers master craftsmen Jabbal Bhai's works and style of practice.