Kokla Chappaki is a traditional game played in the streets of Punjab. This game is more popular with young girls aged 4 -8. The number of players varies depending upon availability. As in almost most traditional games, not much equipment is required other than a small piece of cloth.
This game has been adopted by children in other parts of India with slight modifications and different names like ‘Ghodha Chamar Khai’ etc
How to Play:
All players sit cross-legged in a circle except one, the “seeker.” The ‘seeker’ takes the piece of cloth and runs around the circle singing the phrase “Kokla Chapaki Jumeraat aayi aye jera agge pichey wekhey ohdi shamat aayi aye.” The phrase means “Kokla Chapaki it is Thursday today, whoever looks here and there, shall be punished.” The seeker stealthily drops the cloth behind one of the players sitting in the circle and keeps circling and singing. The players sitting in the circle have to be alert at all times and should be able to realize that the piece of cloth has been dropped behind them. That player then picks it up and chases seeker who races around the circle and tries to capture the other person's space without getting tagged. If tagged, the seeker remains the seeker and the game continues. Otherwise, the other player now becomes the seeker and the game continues.
This game helps in improving not only running skills but observation skills. The children sitting in circle have to be alert at all times observing the movements of the seeker. This game is fun to play and provides an opportunity for socializing among the children.