Preparing the Paper Mache
The process of making a paper mache mask begins with preparing a paper mache. Pieces of paper are soaked in water till they soften. Water is squeezed from soaked paper pieces. The softened pieces are then beat with the help of mortar and pestle till it forms mache. Dhaman tree gum and clay are mixed into the mache. Now the dough is prepared for the moulding process.
Clay is kept on the newspaper and is shaped into the shape of the face. Now the prepared dough is used for making mould. The shape of the face is given to the mould. The facial features like nose, ears, lips, etc. are detailed using wooden and acrylic tools. Smoothening is done with wet hands. After this process, the mask is kept for drying.
A dried mask is smoothened by rubbing a stone over it and polishing is done. Oil paints are used for the colouring process. The base colour is applied to the mask. The crown is coloured with golden colour. A black colour is used for the eyes. The painted mask is kept for drying.