Letterforms in various languages have been designed to read flat, frontal and upright. They can be animated and in the process of becoming dynamic, letterforms can take on the intonations and voice of the spoken word, the emotional characteristics of dance or music or the narrative qualities of the film. Letterforms can become characters themselves.
The project aims to understand how ‘letterforms become voice of a word by converting sound forms into visual forms’. Experimenting with the dynamic visual qualities inherent in letterforms and using them as a language for storytelling. The focus is creating letterforms using materials and lights, and making them move onscreen to express the phenomena of claustrophobia.
"Expressions through Letterforms" is an experiment with Expressive Letterforms and Storytelling. A learning towards understanding how letterforms create messages with life on screen and used as an expression. The output is an audio visual presentation combining video, animation and music.
This exciting and promising way of giving message in a time based media presents a new experience of storytelling, reading, viewing and even visiting.
Case Study Downloads:
• Expressions through Letterforms - pdf