Dolls and puppets are very popular toys in the pretend Play category. Usually, girls are seen playing with dolls from a very young age. They have been popular role playing toys since time unknown. Children enter the world of fantasy by playing with the dolls and puppets while they imitate real-life roles. This helps them to become aware of the environment around them and enhances thinking, creativity and imagination in children.
Dolls and puppets from India are very famous around the world. Handcrafted dolls intricately dressed in traditional clothes are available all over India. These dolls and puppets are made of cloth, shells, coconut, terracotta, bamboo, wood, wires, cane, etc. Dolls and puppets from Gujarat, Haryana, Manipur and Rajasthan are dressed in bright colored traditional clothes representing the state. In villages of India, there still exists a tradition of tradition of making cloth dolls by the women folk of almost every family in cloth, straw, wool, etc.
Playing with dolls and puppets is very beneficial for small kids as they learn to identify various textures, colors, body parts, and fine motor skills of buttoning, lacing, etc. They are comfort objects for many children thereby providing them with emotional support and enhancing their social communication skills.