ATMs are an important medium in the contemporary banking scenario. But they are seldom utilized by the illiterate or semi-literate masses, owing to what they can offer from the design perspective. A redesign of the ATM, for such users thus becomes a crucial step on the path of Financial Inclusion.
The redesign project involved an in depth analysis of problems faced this target group of users. The problem at hand, was thus to develop an easy to use interface that offers banking facilities like withdrawing, depositing and transferring money through a secure mode by this target user group.
Achieving “ ease of use “ in this context might mean doing away with conventional ATM protocols like inputting PIN and following text based instructions. The interface needs to be thus self explanatory with respect to its use and should not trouble users to understand its operations.
In this project, it has been tried to address the above mentioned issues and attempt a solution to the problems related to banking based on ATM for illiterate or semi-literate mass.
Case Study Downloads:
• ATM Redesign for Rural India - Pdf