Introduction to Day 21
Today, under Warm up, we do a quick recap of Workouts upto Day 20, i.e. Sessions 1-5.
For Workouts, we practice drawing on a large surface such as a black/ whiteboard, to improve our body posture while drawing.
Under Sense of Perspective Space, we learn how to use an advanced grid to draw an object composed of cylinders, such as a pair of pocket binoculars.
• Download and Print:
1. D21_pocket-binoculars-worksheet
2. D21_parallel-series-of-circular-planes-in-perspective-horizontal-45-deg-reference-grid
3. D21_parallel-series-of-circular-planes-in-perspective-horizontal-30-60-deg-reference-grid
4. D21_pocket-binoculars-45-deg-solution-sheet
5. D21_pocket-binoculars-30-60-deg-solution-sheet
• Whiteboard/blackboard
• Markers/chalk
• Tracing sheets, Soft pencils (for Sense of Perspective Space exercise today)
• Measuring ruler (for Sense of Perspective Space exercise today)
• Music
Overall Time Plan: - 2.5 hours
• Warm up : 15 mins.
• Workout : 30 mins.
• Sense of Perspective Space :90 mins.
Warm up
15 minute Exercise:
0-5 mins : Practice very fast hand and body movements while drawing Horizontal, Vertical and Inclined Lines, Curvatures, Radial Lines and Rings, followed by various Sinuous Lines and Springs.
5-15 mins : Now, repeat the various workouts covered in Session-1-5 WITHOUT the underlay grids and by CHANGING TOOL (use a thin microtip/ technical pen i.e rapidograph of 2 nib sizes - choose one thick, one thin, say 0.8 and 0.2). As a warm up exercise using a different tool, the focus should be on maintaining line uniformity as well as good fluency of the drawn lines.
While drawing these, remember to:
1. Draw them for various lengths, diameters and radii, as we practiced earlier.
2. Draw lines in either direction and curvatures, both clockwise and anti-clockwise.
3. Draw them at various pace - fast, slow, fast to slow in a single line, etc.
This practice of initially drawing the lines fast and then slowing down will help your body get into smoother drawing action for the workouts and perspective exercises ahead.
<Warm up Ends>
Discussion: Drawing on a Large Surface
Does body movement come naturally to you now?
By scaling up your exercises onto a larger surface, you are bound to move along with your body to draw across this larger surface, in a way ensuring the practice of correct body posture by default. Thus we practice drawing on a large surface today, to make body movement while sketching come more naturally to us. Use the first 30 minutes of the workout session for this. For the last 15 minutes, use the hand you do not normally use for drawing or writing, as shown in the video 21.2 below.
[[nid:add video]]
Video 21.2: Drawing on a large surface, using the hand not normally used - text on video - observe how the entire body is automatically set in motion instead of just a swinging of the hand to accomplish the task
Why this?
Since sketching using the hand not normally used implies lesser control at first, the tendency is to automatically move the entire body to draw instead of just swinging one's hand, to maintain consistency of line.
1. Aim: Drawing on a Large Surface
2. Set up:
You need to markers and a large whiteboard (or chalk on a large chalkboard) for today's Workout.
Alternatively, you could use markers on any reasonably large mirror/glass window pane you can access, as shown in the image 21.1 below. If nothing else, paste large sheets of paper end-to-end on a large, clean wall with enough space for movement and start practicing!
Image 21.1: Practice on a Glass Surface
[[nid:add video]]
Video 21.1: Drawing on a large surface
[Read more...Body in Action]
3. Exercises:
Design your own session today:
Refer to the checklist provided below:
(a) Parallel Lines: Horizontal and Vertical
(b) Inclined Lines: 45, 30 and 60 degrees
(c) Circles: Circles, Ellipses, Quadrants and Segments
(d) Radial lines: Converging, Diverging and Rings
(e) Sinusoidal Lines and Springs
Remember to add in these variations in each of these:
1. Draw them for various lengths,
2. Draw them in either directions i.e. left to right, then right to left, etc.
3. Draw them at varoius pace - fast, slow, fast to slow in a single line, etc.
Note: Although you may not cover all of these in this 30 minutes workout session, you are encouraged to cover as many varieties as you can, while maintaining quality, consistency and appropriate speed in your drawing. Remember to move your entire body while doing so.
< Workout Ends >
Sense of Perspective Space
1. Aim: Drawing a Composite Cylindrical Object using Advanced Grid: Pocket Binoculars
2. Set up:
Tracing sheets, measuring ruler.
3. Exercise:
Provided below is the Plan and 2 Side Elevation of a pair of Pocket Binoculars [Download...D21_pocket-binoculars-worksheet]. Using a slightly advanced grid template provided, draw a 3D view in either 45 degree or 30-60 degree orientation. [Download...D21_parallel-series-of-circular-planes-in-perspective-horizontal-45-deg-reference-grid] or [Download...D21_parallel-series-of-circular-planes-in-perspective-horizontal-30-60-deg-reference-grid].
Image 21.2: Parallel Series of Circular Planes in Perspective @ 45 degrees
Image 21.3: Parallel Series of Circular Planes in Perspective @ 30-60 degrees
4. Review:
Finish by superimposing the tracing paper you drew on over a correctly printed version of the solution sheet provided and checking for errors. [Download...D21_pocket-binoculars-45-deg-solution-sheet; D21_pocket-binoculars-30-60-deg-solution-sheet]
Note: The form has been simplified, and the detailing kept to a minimum for ease of accomplishing the task in said time.
< Sense of Perspective Space and Day 21 End >