Introduction to Day 29
In today's session you will test your own efficiency of seeing and manipulating an object's orientation in your 'mind space' - and convincingly translating it onto paper in perspective space!
• Download and Print:
1. D29_3m-magic-tape-dispenser-reference-image (Optional)
2. D29_3m-magic-tape-dispenser-worksheet (Optional)
• Use tracing sheets. (to be able to superimpose and compare with correct solutions)
• Do not use erasers.
And yes, all your sincere practice from Day 1, uptil today!
Overall Time Plan:
• Warm up : 15 mins.
• Sense of Perspective Space : 45 mins.
Warm up
15 minute break-up:
0-10 mins: Just as yesterday, practice very fast hand and body movements recalling as many exercises as you can, mentally, from the ones you've have covered until now, from session 1-7 for about 15 minutes.
While drawing these, remember to:
1. Draw them for various lengths, and radii, as we practiced earlier.
2. Draw them in either directions i.e. left to right, then right to left, etc.
3. Draw them at various pace - fast, slow, fast to slow in a single line, etc.
Initially drawing the lines fast and then slowing down will help your body get into smoother drawing action.
10-15 mins: Repeat some of these exercises while consciously looking away from what you are drawing.
< Warm up Ends >
Sense of Perspective Space
1. Aim: Rapid Sketching of Complex Object (Scotch Tape Dispenser) from five different angles
2. Set up: Provided below is the image of a 3M Magic Tape Dispenser, and an associated worksheet. You may download both or refer to them on your computer screen itself. [Download...D29_3m-magic-tape-dispenser-reference-image][D29_3m-magic-tape-dispenser-worksheet]. You must time yourself for this, so keep any timepiece handy.
3. Exercise:
1. Sketch five freehand perspectives of this scotch tape dispenser - intuitively, from the following five uniquely different viewing angles marked on the worksheet.
(a) View1
(b) View2
(c) View3_from the opposite side!
(d) View4_Bird's Eye View
(e) View5_Worm's Eye View
2. For each successive view, you must reduce the drawing time by 20% of the drawing time of previous. (Say the first drawing takes 5 minutes, the second must take 4 minutes, and the third, 3 minutes 20 seconds, etc.).
Image 9.1: 3M Magic Tape Dispenser
Image 9.1: 3M Magic Tape Dispenser - Top view
Image 3M Magic Tape Dispenser
5. Review:
How well do you think you have fared? Cross check with our solution images. After you finish, you may also superimpose the tracing paper you drew on over correctly printed versions to review your solutions. [Download...3m-magic-tape-dispenser-solution-view1][3m-magic-tape-dispenser-solution-view2][3m-magic-tape-dispenser-solution-view3][3m-magic-tape-dispenser-solution-view4][3m-magic-tape-dispenser-solution-view5]
< Practice Session for Sense of Perspective Space End >